onsdag den 6. april 2011

See your location history dashboard and more with Google Maps 5.3 for Android

Today, we’re happy to announce Google Maps 5.3 for Android, which lets you see your Google Location History dashboard, check in at “home,” and add your own aspects for places when rating them.

Location History dashboard

If you’ve enabled Location History for Google Latitude, you’ve been able to visualize interesting trends in your location history with a personal dashboard at google.com/latitude on your computer. Now, you can also see your dashboard on your phone by tapping View location history from your Latitude profile. You’ll be able to see right on your phone how far you’ve travelled as well as an estimate of how much time you’ve spent at home, at work, or out.

If you haven’t yet, you can enable Location History from your computer or from Latitude’s Settings menu on your phone. Location History is 100% opt-in and is private to you and nobody else. You can always delete any of your location history from the Manage History tab or correct the estimated work and home locations from thedashboard on your computer.

View your location history dashboard from your Latitude profile on your phone and see estimates of where you’ve spent your time.

Check in at home
Now that you can see how much time you spend at “home”, you might want to let friends know when you’re there. Checking in at places using Latitude is another way to keep a history of places you’ve been and also lets you share when you’re there. I love letting friends and family know when I’m at a cafe or park, but sometimes I want them to know that I’m relaxing at home or made it back safely from a road trip. So now, I can start checking in at “home” in Latitude:
  1. Check in from Latitude and tap “Home - Tap to set your location” at the bottom of the nearby places list if you don’t have one yet.
  2. Use the estimated current address or enter in your home address yourself.
  3. Once you’ve checked in at home once, “Home” will appear at the top of the list when you’re checking in near there.

Like Latitude and other check-ins, checking in at home is entirely opt-in. Your set “home” location is not searchable and only you can check in there. Just like any other check-in, you can choose with whom to share your home check-ins (along with your name and address info).

Add your own aspects for places
When you’re rating places on the go in Maps using Google Places with Hotpot, you could always quickly leave feedback on a specific aspect or characteristic of a place, such as the food or ambiance. Before, we’d automatically include aspects about places that were commonly mentioned in reviews. Now, you can add your own aspects for each place. So if you think a place has a beautiful view or great music, you can add it yourself and quickly share it with the world.

When rating places, you can add your own aspects like “music” for places and leave quick feedback.

To get started, update Google Maps from Android Market on devices with Android OS 1.6+ anywhere Google Maps and Latitude are already available.

tirsdag den 5. april 2011

This weeks G-App

For many months ago Kaspar showed me a really smart app called Speed Dial. You know those favorit windows you see when you open a new tab??, sometimes you need more of them right?? well that's what speed dial does, when you open a new tab you'll find many more windows and you decide how many it can be up to 81 favorite windows.

One thing i think is annoying is - you can't see youre Google chrome apps:(

therefore i'll give it 4 out of 5 G's


mandag den 4. april 2011

Google "likes" stuff now

For about a week ago Google Launched a new Labs experiment called "+1" its like "like'ing" on Facebook, every time you search for something on Google you can press the +1 -button to tell other Googlers that this is a good site, it's a new and better way to get the best searches on Google, for the time it only works on the english Google.com, which also have gotten a new look, that i'll hope will get to the google site in other languages.

tirsdag den 29. marts 2011

This weeks G-app

For about some days ago i found a social app to Chrome, its called Imo and is a chat app, it will get all your chat accounts, form for example Facebook, Google Talk, and Skype. its pretty smart because you can make groups and have faves.

There is only one BIG problem, when you start a new chat with a friend the app doesn't write the first letter you write, and that is really annoying.

i will give it 3 G's out of 5


tirsdag den 22. marts 2011

This weeks G-App

I've found an awesome Chrome extension for some weeks ago and wanna show you guys it, its called Cortex it lets you share a webpage on for example Facebook and Twitter, just by holding your left mouse button down for over a second, when you do that a circle with your social network appears you drag your mouse to one of them and then its shared.

Unfortunately it can't share on Google Buzz, that's why i only wanna give it 4 out of 5 G's.


lørdag den 19. marts 2011

Introducing discussions in Google Docs

Introducing discussions in Google Docs: "When we launched the new Google Docs last April, one of the big changes was moving comments to the sidebar and letting people reply to comments. Today, we’re updating comments in Google Docs to facilitate rapid and seamless discussions and integrate with email in an intuitive way. Since there are a number of significant improvements, this update is only available for newly created documents for now.

To start, we’ve improved the discussion flow by adding ownership and edit rights to individual comments. Each comment now has a timestamp and profile picture.

Google Docs doesn’t force you to delete comments. Instead, you can resolve comments to remove them from the visible document and view them later by clicking the discussions button at the top of any document. You can even re-open comments from here.

We know you can’t watch all of your important documents all day to see if there are any suggestions, which is why we’ve integrated comments with your inbox to facilitate more rapid and responsive communication. You can now add someone to a discussion with an @mention. For example, typing @eddy@altostrat.com in a discussion will send a notification email to Eddy with the text of your comment.

Eddy gets a message in her inbox with your question or comment.

She can easily click through to open the document itself to respond, or simply reply to the email.

The reply will show up in the document as soon as the email is sent.

To turn off email notifications for a document, just select Mute updates from this comment at the bottom of any email or select Discussion notification settings... from the Discussions drop down.

We've been using this next-generation commenting system inside Google for several months and have seen it make the feedback cycle shorter and get more people involved. The combination of added structure and intuitive email integration have really given life to the discussions that surround our documents, and we're excited for this new feature to do the same for you.

Discussions will be available over the next few days to all users with personal Google Accounts as well as to Google Apps customers on the Rapid Release track. Please note that improved comments are only available in new documents at this time so if you want to try it out make sure to create a new document. The comments you’ve created in existing document won’t be changed.

We’re excited to hear what you think so let us know on in the comments.

Posted by: Nick Cooper, Software Engineer


mandag den 14. marts 2011

Google hjælper med at finde folk efter tsunamien i Japan

Google har lanceret en smart lille service hvori folk ka sige hvis de fx har set Anders Andersen på Kbh's hovedbanegård, og du leder efter ham. Det er supersmart og ka derfor osse være nyttigt i Japan efter jordskælvet og tsunamien, hvis der altså er nogen der lige ka sige hvem de har set rundt omkring

torsdag den 10. marts 2011

Google styrer for vildt!

Tænk man kan få så mange funktioner og services helt gratis. Gå på www.google.com for mere information.

fredag den 4. marts 2011

20 tips for Google Docs

1. Search Docs and Google simultaneously
Would not it be convenient to be able to search both Google and your list of Google documents simultaneously? Gmail Labs has luckily found a way it can be done. To find Labs in Gmail, click Settings in the upper right corner of the screen where you select the Labs tab.

Here, scroll down the list until you find the Apps search. Click the Enable button and then Save Changes button above or below the list.Subsequently, every search from inside Gmail also display results from Google Docs, which will be shown below Gmail results.

2. More than one kind of currency in a spreadsheet
To set the default currency for a spreadsheet, click on File menu, including Spreadsheet settings.Here you change Locales: to an appropriate country (eg Denmark by default to work in dollars).

Regardless of the locale you choose, you can set specific cells or cell tables to be formatted in a different currency. To make it marks just the relevant cells and click the More button formatting toolbar (the button is labeled "123"). Here, scroll down to the submenu More currencies and choose the appropriate currency.

3. Make drawings in presentations
When you are making a presentation, you need not switch to the separate program to subscribe to create a sketch. Instead, choose just the Drawing on the Insert menu. It opens the user interface for drawing in a separate window. When you are finished, click Save and Close to insert your new drawing in the presentation, which you then can place it exactly right and change its size.

4. Placing images
By default, the program inserts the write in Google Docs images in such a way that they move together with the text. This arrangement is called inline positioning. To place an image at a fixed location on the page so that text automatically flows around, and so the only way to move the picture is to click on it and dragging it, click on the image and select button Fixed in frame at the bottom of image.

5. Low local backup of all your Google documents
If you want to save all your online documents from Google's servers to your local hard disk, it can also nicely done. Start to hover over any document in the list of all your documents on Google Docs' homepage. Here you can either right click the document or open the Actions menu that appears to the right and select the Download menu.

Click on the tab All elements of the dialog box that appears. Get an overview of how many documents of each type are downloading, like you here can choose which format they are saved in. Once you're satisfied, click the Download button. The files will be downloaded in a single. Zip file.

6. Collect information through forms
Sometimes one needs to obtain information from colleagues, customers or others. A quick way to do this is by using forms that can be as simple lists of questions and space for answers that can be mailed to people or included on Web pages.

You start by opening a new worksheet and select Create a form in Form menu. In the window that appears, type your first question in the Title field in question. If you wish, you can give an explanation of the issue in the field Explanatory text. If you use this field, this text will stand above the question on the form. In the Question Type, choose the type of response you're after - including multiple choice, plain text, or checkboxes. If you are looking for numeric data, then select Text.

To enter the question number two, you can hover over Sample Question 2, click the pencil icon on the right side and repeat the previous steps. To add additional questions, click on the Add button item in the upper left corner of the window.

Once you've entered all your questions, please send this form by mail by clicking the Send button in this form to e-mail. Alternatively you can open the drop down list More Actions and select Embed to view the HTML code needed to embed the form on a webpage.

All data is entered into your form, appears at the top of the spreadsheet. You can manage or delete forms via Forms menu on the worksheet.

7. Insert links in a hurry
The most common way to insert a hyperlink in a text document is go into the Insert menu and choose Link, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-K.Another way is to drag a shortcut from the bookmarks toolbar or bookmarks menu Link To: field when hotkey instantly turns into a hyperlink.This method works only in Firefox and Chrome.You can even drag links directly from the bookmarks toolbar or bookmarks menu into the document to create a hyperlink.

8. Get as much screen space
To remove the toolbar in Google Docs, so you spend the entire browser window to the editing area, go to the View menu and choose Hide buttons. To get back to normal view, simply press the Esc key on your keyboard.

You can also combine this option with your browser full screen mode in order to dedicate the entire screen to the editing area. In most browsers you get full screen mode by pressing F11 on your keyboard. Return to normal viewing from a new press F11 or by passing the mouse up the screen upper edge and click the Finish button full screen (F11).

9. Explore the templates
There are many who are not aware that Google's online tools for word processing and spreadsheet offers hundreds of document templates, including some very sophisticated tax calculations and other specialized purposes.

To review the document templates open in Google Docs' homepage dropdown menu Create New and choose From template here.

10. Previewing Google Docs into Gmail
To view a thumbnail image of a document you have received via mail, you activate Google Docs examples of emails from Google Labs. Go into Settings and select the tab Labs. Once you've found the function, select Enable and click the Save Changes button.

11. Automatic color-coding of spreadsheets
Cells in your spreadsheet can be set to automatically change color depending on their content. All you need do is select the cells you want to color code, and go into the Format menu and select Change including colors with rules.

From the drop-down menu in the dialog box, choose the first type of criterion to decide the color coding. This could be the date or a bit of text. Then enter the specific criterion in the next field. For example, to color code all cells containing the name "John," select text contains from the dropdown menu and enter "john" in the textbox.(There is no difference in the field of uppercase and lowercase letters.)

Then choose the colors you want to use the fields Text and Context, which both can be turned on or off. When satisfied, click the Save button rules.

12. Drag images into the Docs from the desktop
To insert an image into a text document, you simply drag the image directly from its folder on your hard drive into your browser window. It works only in Chrome and Firefox.

13. Fix common typing errors automatically
If there are certain words you frequently misspell, you can get Google Docs to automatically correct them as you type in the word processing program.On the Tools menu, choose Preferences. In the dialog box, simply enter the general typing errors in the top box under Change. On the righthand side under With you type the correct spelling. For example, you can often mistakenly get to typing the word "I" as "jge." Therefore it can be a good idea here to enter "jge" in the Replace field and "I" in Med-field.

14. Search more efficiently
You can refine your searches from the homepage of Google Docs using operators such as Type: spreadsheet, which will only display search results by document type spreadsheet. You can find several examples of operators for use in searches in Google Docs.

15. Use bookmarks to navigate through long documents
You can text documents define a series of bookmarks and then elsewhere in the document create links that jump directly to specific bookmarks. It is particularly useful for creating tables of contents.

You insert a bookmark, open the Insert menu and choose Bookmark. To create a hyperlink to that bookmark, highlight the word or several words, you must click to jump to the bookmark and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-K to insert a link. In the dialog box, click Bookmarks and choose the appropriate bookmark in the list.

16. Share documents with users without Google account
Google Docs is about cooperation and it is also possible to let people without their own Google account both read and edit your Google documents. To share a document, click on the icon of a padlock next to the text Private in the upper left side of your screen while you have the document open. In the Settings dialog box for sharing, click Change under permits. Here you select either the Public on the network or anyone with the link under Settings for visibility. If you want your readers should also be able to edit the document, put a checkmark in Provides full editing access (it is not necessary to log in) under the Edit Access.

Then click the Save button and if necessary share the link that appears in the next dialog.

17. Star Selecting multiple documents at once
To mark a document with a star can be a good way to make the document stand out from the other documents listed. On Google Docs' homepage you can star to several documents simultaneously by selecting them perfectly normal: Ctrl or Shift key on your keyboard while selecting the documents.Then pull the selected documents onto a filter element Starred in the upper left corner of the UI.

18. Find a video's technical information
Right click on the Google Docs' homepage at the preview of any video file and select Show Video info to display technical information about the file such resolution.

19. Use the write program to create webpages
If separate HTML or web design software is too complicated for your purposes, you can instead use Google's writing program to create simple web pages. To insert images, drag them just above the browser window as mentioned previously. You insert links by selecting text or images and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-K.

Once you've created a page, you open the File menu and choose Download as HTML (zipped) to download the page as an HTML document. Name the HTML file index.html and upload it and the included folder to your webspace.

20. Save drawings as vector
If you make a subscription in Google Docs and want to download it for offline use, so be sure to select the format SVG under Download the File menu. It gives you a scalable graphics - that is a drawing whose size you can change without compromising its quality deteriorates, unlike for example JPEG and GIF files.

21. Use multiple Google accounts simultaneously
A feature that was recently added to Gmail, enabling people with multiple Google accounts to switch between email addresses without having to first log out and in again with the other account. To activate this feature by selecting Edit Total logins from multiple accounts under Personal Settings in the My Account page where you can edit the settings for your Google account. Here click Enable to use multiple Google accounts in the same browser. Finally, press the Save button.

Then you can switch accounts by clicking the arrow next to your email address in the upper right corner of the screen in Gmail to unfold a dropdown menu.Click Log into another account to add a new account, but be aware that there is a maximum of three accounts.

This trick works, unfortunately not in Google Docs, which will continue to be logged in from your primary account, which is that from which you activated Total logins from multiple accounts. If you click on a link to a shared document in a mail from one of your other accounts, you will therefore probably be told that you do not have permission to access this file.

Google Docs can be successfully applied to many accounts, if it takes from accounts affiliated with Google Apps for Business. It may also be an option to switch to Google Apps, which is free if you do not need more than 50 accounts.

It will keep getting better
Google Docs is constantly being improved and new functions are added virtually every month. A good way to stay updated on the latest enhancements is to keep an eye on the Google Docs blog, which is written by the team behind the service. In addition, do not be afraid of clicking around in Google Docs and experiment your way to how the various functions operate. Also consider setting aside time to explore Google Docs forum where users are good to draw attention to interesting applications, they have encountered.dialog.

onsdag den 2. marts 2011

Google Docs - Your Documents in The Cloud

Google Docs is an online Google application which is pretty much the same as Microsoft Office, but there is a difference. Instead of having Google Docs installed on your computer you just have to log on your Google acoount and open Docs.

In Google Docs you can make different documents, presentations, spreadsheets and much more, one of the greatest things about Docs is that you don't have to press any safe button, and if you are gonna share it with a friend you don't have to place it on a USB key or E-mail it to him/she you only have to write your friends E-mail address, and then he can start looking and if you have given him the ability to edit the document you can watch him edit the document, writing comment, and at the same time you can edit. How can all this happen?? thats because Docs is in Google The Cloud, for each symbol you place in your document it will safe it, that is also why you can write the half on the document at home and finish it on your workk without sending it as an E-mail to your self or on a USB key, its just logging on your Google Account.

And now you think what if i'm not online on my computer and i wanna make a document well before you gets offline you can open a new document that you are gonna write and when you'll get offline you can just continue and when you get online again the document will get safed. And if you need to you can download the document as a WORD document.

fredag den 25. februar 2011

Google Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office available to all

Many of you already use Google Docs for editing your documents, but there are still many people that are tied to desktop applications and haven’t experienced the numerous benefits cloud applications to bring. To help bring more people to the cloud and take advantage of features that result, we’re happy to announce that Google Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office is now available to everyone. Google Cloud Connect is a free plugin that improves Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 and 2010 on Windows PCs. It adds simultaneous collaboration, revision history, cloud sync, unique URLs and simple sharing to the Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint applications:

Take it for a spin on your Windows PC by downloading the plugin.

To learn more about how Google Cloud Connect can help businesses, check out the more detailed post on theGoogle Enterprise Blog.

Easier uploads to Picasa Web Albums

We’ve made sharing and storing your images in Picasa Web Albums even easier by improving the image upload process. Now you’ll find a smoother upload flow, the five-at-a-time limitation has been removed, and you can upload HD video, too.

To get started from Chrome, Firefox or Safari click the Upload button, select an album and then choose the images and videos you want to upload. After your images have uploaded, you will see large thumbnails where you can easily add a caption, zoom in or delete right from the upload screen.

If you use Internet Explorer, you can continue to use the basic uploader or use the plug-in for drag-and-drop bulk uploading.

Another easy way to upload to Picasa Web Albums is from Gallery on an Android device. For example, withAndroid 3.0, Honeycomb, you can capture an image or video with your tablet's camera and upload directly to Picasa Web Albums to share with friends.

We’re always working to improve Picasa Web Albums, please share your feedback in our forum. Happy uploading!

fredag den 18. februar 2011

Geotagging photos with Panoramio and Google Latitude

It is 9 a.m. and the thermometer shows -15°C. I have a Nexus S with Google Latitude in my left pocket and my new Lumix LX-5 in the right one. I am in Davos and I am ready for a fantastic day of skiing when I decide to use the new feature of Panoramio: geotagging photos with Google Latitude.

Panoramio is a community photos website that enables digital photographers to geo-locate, store and organize their photographs -- and to view those photographs in Google Earth.

Google Latitude allows you to share your location with friends and view their location on a map. When enabled,Google Latitude History allows you to store your previous locations and this allows you to match your photos with the locations stored in Google Latitude History.

By combining Panoramio and Google Latitude your photos get geotagged automatically as the time stamp of the photos is matched with your location record in Google Latitude History. To use this feature you need to explicitly enable it in your Settings page in Panoramio. With your permission, Panoramio will access your Google Latitude History to find out your location at the time when your photos are taken, so make sure the time in your camera is correct and it matches the value you entered in the Panoramio Settings page.

Using Google Latitude while skiing allows you to find your friends when you get lost on the slopes, and at the same time it allows you to focus on taking nice photos not worrying about the location where you are taking them.

Mapping photos within the city is normally not a problem as you can easily remember street names, points of interest, etc. It is much more difficult to do it in the countryside and that is why I decided to give the feature a whirl while skiing in Davos:

Thanks to Google Latitude, my photos were geotagged just after uploading them in Panoramio. The day was great, snow was perfect, weather was amazing and when I arrived home my photos were already geo-positioned.

For more information about this feature please check our help content and as always we will be happy to hear your feedback in the Panoramio forum.

5 tips for using Blogger on your Android phone

Earlier this month, we announced the first version of the Blogger app for Android on the Blogger Buzz blog. Today, we’d like to share some tips on how you can use the Blogger app to quickly publish posts when you’re on the go.

1. Attach photos as you compose
Take photos using your phone’s camera and instantly add them to your post while you draft. You can also insert photos from your phone’s gallery, all within the Blogger app.

2. Include your current location
With your phone’s GPS, you can let your readers know where you’re blogging from by selecting your current location, no additional typing needed.
3. Share to Blogger
Share videos, products, photos, links and other interesting things you would like to include in your blog via the share button that’s available in many apps, including Google Maps for mobile, YouTube, and your web browser. After you share an item to your Blogger, it will be inserted into new post that’s automatically created for you so that start can composing right away.
4. Switch across multiple Blogger accounts
If you’re an author of more than one blog, you can easily switch between your different accounts by tapping on the orange arrow next to the title of your blog. That way, you can publish articles for each of your blogs to keep your all of your readers up to date.

5. Keep track of published posts and saved drafts
See what you’ve composed in an easy to read list by tapping the list icon located on the top right-hand corner.

We hope that you enjoyed these blogging tips. If you haven’t done so already, you can download the free Blogger app for Android 2.1+ devices from Android Market or scan the QR code below. As always, we would love to hear what you think so please feel free to share your thoughts with us through our feedback form.

12 new file formats in the Google Docs Viewer

The Google Docs Viewer is used by millions of people every day to quickly view PDFs, Microsoft Word documents and PowerPoint presentations online. Not only is viewing files in your browser far more secure than downloading and opening them locally, but it also saves time and doesn’t clutter up your hard-drive with unwanted files.

Today we’re excited to launch support for 12 new file types:

  • Microsoft Excel (.XLS and .XLSX)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 / 2010 (.PPTX)
  • Apple Pages (.PAGES)
  • Adobe Illustrator (.AI)
  • Adobe Photoshop (.PSD)
  • Autodesk AutoCad (.DXF)
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG)
  • PostScript (.EPS, .PS)
  • TrueType (.TTF)
  • XML Paper Specification (.XPS)
Not only does this round out support for the major Microsoft Office file types (we now support DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS and XLSX), but it also adds quick viewing capabilities for many of the most popular and highly-requested document and image types.

In Gmail, these types of attachments will now show a “View” link, and clicking on this link will bring up the Google Docs Viewer.

You can also upload and share these files in Google Docs, so that anyone can view the content using their browser.

And as always, the Google Docs Viewer is available for use on any website, with both a full Chrome and embedded option. More information can be found here

lørdag den 12. februar 2011

New Youtube update

I was watching a movie in a Youtube-player on another webside than Youtube and i wanted to watch it on Youtube instead so i of course just pressed the video and then it directed me to Youtube but usual the video starts over when you do that but not this time it continued from where i had stopped, thats pretty nice so i don't have to find the part of the video i was watching.

fredag den 11. februar 2011

Android Honeycomb er kun til tablets

Umiddelbart skal du ikke regne med, at Android 3.0 Honeycomb bliver tilgængelig på mobilen. Det fortæller Google.

Over de seneste måneder har der været mange rygter om, hvorvidt Android 3.0 Honeycomb er designet udelukkende til tablet-computere, eller om det også vil blive tilgængeligt på smartphones.

Onsdag den 3. februar afholdte Google en presseevent hvor de fremviste Honeycomb for offentligheden, og efter arrangementet fortalte Google til PCmag, at man ikke skal forvente at se denne Android-version på mobilerne.

"Features fra Android Honeycomb vil over tid blive tilgængelig på telefoner," fortalte Google talsmand Andrew Kovacs til PCmag.com

Han har yderligere tilføjet: "Alle ændringerne i brugerfladen er fremtiden for Android. Vores event onsdag var fokuseret på tablet enheder, som er det første sted at du vil se Honeycomb".

Læs mere: http://www.recordere.dk/indhold/templates/design.aspx?articleid=4731&zoneid=19#ixzz1DfvfCXs0

About Google Talk

Welcome to Google Talk, a downloadable chat application by Google. Check out what Google Talk can do:

Text chat

  • Instant messages: share quick thoughts in real time
  • Status updates: see if friends are around and what they are up to
  • File transfer: instantly send and receive files, pictures, and more

    Voice chat

    • Free long distance: make PC-to-PC calls to people anywhere in the world
    • Audio conferencing: talk to multiple people at once
    • Gmail integration: chat with your friends on Gmail

      You can also get the video chat plug-in to make voice and video calls within Gmail, iGoogle and orkut. Learn more »

      torsdag den 10. februar 2011

      Google Desktop

      Google Desktop is a sidebar on your desktop, like the one in Windows Vista and 7. But there is some extra features in Google's desktop than the normal one. For eksample when "Desktop" is installed, you can doubble click on CTRL and then there will pop up a Google search bar.

      In the sidebar you can customize everything, the size on all the gadgets and stuff, what order things are plased, and there is a lot of settings. I found it different in the start, but after some time i figured it out.

      There is a lot of different Gadgets, and stuff to add in the sidebar, some is games, weather, news and some few Google Services. I've tried it for about a week now and the desktop sidebar is very promising it doesn't use a lot of CPU and for me it isn't comming in the way of my other programs and applikations.

      Desktop notifications for emails and chat messages

      Many of us are guilty of constantly switching back to Gmail to check for new messages. And if you’re like me, you’ve probably missed an important chat message because you weren’t looking at your Gmail window when it came in. If you use Google Chrome, these days can be over since we just launched HTML5 desktop notifications which display pop-ups whenever a chat message or new email arrives.

      To turn them on, click on the Settings link in the top right corner of Gmail and scroll down to the “Desktop Notifications” section. If you just want to get notified about chat messages, or if you use Priority Inbox and only want to get notifications for important messages, you can customize your settings from there too.

      This functionality is currently only available for people using Google Chrome, but we’re working to make notifications part of the standard Web platform.

      Check in with Google Latitude

      We first introduced Google Latitude to help you stay in touch with your friends and family by making it easy to share where you are. For the 10 million people actively using Latitude each month, this “where” has been a location on a map. Starting today in Google Maps 5.1 for Android, you can also connect that location to a real place by checking in there using Latitude.

      Connecting your location with placesYou can still use Latitude to automatically update and share your location, but check-ins let you add context to the location—like captions to a photo. For example, I live in San Francisco but often travel around the world. Until today, sharing my location let friends and family know if I was across the globe or in their neighborhood. Now, check-ins let them see the cool restaurant I’m trying in Taipei or join me for a latte at the cafe nearby.

      Not your typical check-insBecause you can use Latitude to automatically detect your location, we’ve added a few twists to checking in to make it really easy:
      • Notifications: Turn on check-in notifications in Latitude’s settings and get a notification to check in at a nearby place once you arrive. Never forget to check in again.
      • Automatic check-ins: Choose to automatically check in at specific places you designate, and you’ll be checked in when you’re there. You can talk to friends or finish your bagel without fumbling with your phone.
      • Check out: Once you leave, Latitude knows to automatically check you out of places so friends aren’t left guessing if you’re still there.

      Take your photos with you anywhere

      Picasa Web for mobile lets you view and share your photos, browse photos from people you follow, or search public photos from our Picasa Web community. All on the go. Until now, there was a limit to how many photos you could view, but that limit has lifted and you can view all your photos right from your phone. Browse multiple pages of albums and photos by clicking Next and Prev. Just visit https://picasaweb.google.com from the browser on your smartphone and enjoy photos anywhere.