torsdag den 10. februar 2011

Google Desktop

Google Desktop is a sidebar on your desktop, like the one in Windows Vista and 7. But there is some extra features in Google's desktop than the normal one. For eksample when "Desktop" is installed, you can doubble click on CTRL and then there will pop up a Google search bar.

In the sidebar you can customize everything, the size on all the gadgets and stuff, what order things are plased, and there is a lot of settings. I found it different in the start, but after some time i figured it out.

There is a lot of different Gadgets, and stuff to add in the sidebar, some is games, weather, news and some few Google Services. I've tried it for about a week now and the desktop sidebar is very promising it doesn't use a lot of CPU and for me it isn't comming in the way of my other programs and applikations.

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